Hi, I'm Nivrit Gupta.
Self-driven, quick starter, passionate programmer with a curious mind who enjoys solving a complex and challenging real-world problems.
I am a Computer Science Grad Student. I enjoy problem-solving and coding , I'm an Expert Mobile App architect/Lead developer with 10+ years of experience in designing and developing Native and Hybrid mobile/web/ERP solutions for startup and large corporations. . During the course of my professional career, I had the chance to work for a variety of different companies and clients including Mercedes Benz, Kia Motors, lonely planet, Zoopla Home, and many other companies as well.
As a freelancer, I am strongly focused on IOS and android Apps development. I can complete many big projects on my own or work on very larger projects as a member of a team.
I've plenty of experience working with REST, converting designs into nice and smoothly functional Material UI, pretty much work with Food Delivery apps, Education based apps like udemy, media content (images, video, sound), video streaming, BLE devices, GPS-based apps, Messenger and many others, I can create apps using swiftUI as well.
I am an easy going person who provides regular communication on the project progress and the most important I give a lot of suggestions to improve your ideas and save money. Client satisfaction and quality work are my top priorities.
- Languages: Swift, SwiftUI, Objective-C,Dart,React, HTML/CSS
- Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB,Firebase,AWS,Coredata,Realm,
- Libraries: Alamofire, RxSwift, Kingfisher ,Lottie , SwiftLint, SnapKit, SwiftyBeaver ,KeychainAccess , Hero , OHTTPStubs
- Frameworks: ARKit,AVFoundation , AVFAudio ,AVFoundation ,AVKit ,Accelerate ,Accelerate.vImage ,Accelerate.vecLib ,Accounts ,AdSupport,AddressBook, AddressBookUI ,AssetsLibrary ,AudioToolbox ,AudioUnit ,AuthenticationServices ,BackgroundTasks ,BusinessChat ,CFNetwork ,CallKit ,CarPlay ,ClassKit ,CloudKit ,Contacts ,ContactsUI ,CoreAudio ,CoreAudioKit ,CoreAudioTypes ,CoreBluetooth ,CoreData ,CoreFoundation — lower-level C System APIs ,CoreGraphics ,CoreHaptics ,CoreImage ,CoreLocation ,CoreMIDI
, CoreMedia ,CoreMotion ,CoreNFC ,CoreServices , CoreSpotlight , CoreTelephony , CoreText , CoreVideo , CryptoTokenKit , DeviceCheck
EventKit ,EventKitUI , ExternalAccessory , FileProvider , FileProviderUI . Foundation — Base library of the standard NS* classes shared with all Cocoa SDKs , GLKit ,GameController,
GameKit , GameplayKit , HealthKit , HealthKitUI , HomeKit , IOSurface , IdentityLookup , IdentityLookupUI , ImageCaptureCore , ImageIO , Intents , IntentsUI , JavaScriptCore , LinkPresentation , LocalAuthentication , MapKit , MediaAccessibility , MediaPlayer , MediaToolbox , MessageUI , Messages , Metal , MetalKit , MetricKit , MobileCoreServices , ModelIO , MultipeerConnectivity , NaturalLanguage Network , NetworkExtension , NewsstandKit , NotificationCenter, OpenAL , OpenGLES , PDFKit , PassKit , PencilKit , Photos , PhotosUI , PushKit , QuartzCore , QuickLook , QuickLookThumbnailing ,, ReplayKit
SafariServices , SceneKit ,Security , Social ,SoundAnalysis , Speech ,SpriteKit ,StoreKit , SwiftUI , ,SystemConfiguration ,Twitter , UIKit , UserNotifications , UserNotificationsUI , VideoSubscriberAccount , VideoToolbox , Vision , VisionKit , WatchConnectivity , WebKit , iAd
- Tools & Technologies: Git, Docker, AWS, GCP, Heroku, JIRA
Looking for an opportunity to work in a challenging position combining my skills in Software Engineering, which provides professional development, interesting experiences and personal growth.
- Developed and managed the IOS application of an Email Client using Swift,SwiftUI, CoreData, and AWS.
- Worked on multiple ios applications targeting customers, selling , and premium users; ,integrating RESTful APIs with functionalities such as login/sign up,email views , implement end to end encryption , viewa attachments , download attachments , add a product to cart, checkout the order, etc.
- Improved the response time by 20% by refactoring the codebase and changing database design and queries.
- Added a bulk upload feature which reduced the manual work of adding products into a database.
- Tools:&Languages Used Swift, SwiftUI, Objective-C , Xcode
- Designed the architecture to migrate a monolithic project into a distributed and scalable system in AWS, implementing the main functionalities and leaded the rest team in the process.
- Designed and developed the module to find the best route to be followed for each inspector in their daily houses visits. Attending their availability and other personal preferences and restrictions.
- Designed and developed the core functions to integrate with external systems, using in background queues or triggered by Webhook URL callbacks. Successfully integrated with about 20 Claim Management Systems and Twilio, Stripe, Intercom, Hubspot, Typeform, Google etc.
- Designed and developed the Android and Ios apps and implement APIs for the Billing module, including per event and per subscription charge , Leaded every new research to introduce new technologies to the company like machine learning, Intelligent Vision Systems, etc.
- Tools: Java, Swift, SwiftUI, PHP, Kotlin, Node
- Programmed a cloud-based multiple mobile apps using swift and objectiive-c apps are related to media , maps ,location services and implement many features like storing, visualizing, and tracking temperature and humidity of each drug container to estimate the degradation of the drug.
- I've developing many apps and converting designs into nice and smoothly functional Material UI, pretty much work with Food Delivery apps, Education based apps like udemy, media content (images, video, sound), video streaming, BLE devices, GPS-based apps, Messenger and many others, I can create apps using swift.
- Tools: swift, objective-c, xcode
- Designed a mercedez benz management system for a services Advisor, Serving Customers At The Nation’s Leading Manufacturers And Auto Groups the application purpose for Helping the Mercedes Benz Services Advisor , Fetch Vehicle Details , Inspect the vehicle , and. many more feature included.
- Delivered a solution for a POC involving Automatic Financial ipad app Classifier using their employees Fetchhing the data from multiple servers and displaying the vehiicle details including payment related informations.
- Tools: Xcode, iPhone,iPad, Swift,SwiftUI.
![music streaming app](./assets/img/firebanapp.jpg)
Finding a real-time fire ban status is now at your fingertips with the Alberta Fire Bans app for iPhone and Android.
![quiz app](./assets/img/cizoo.webp)
A Magic effects App to make you sing in tune.
![Screenshot of web app](./assets/img/mercedes-benz-social-distancing-logo.webp)
A simple and extensible blog web-app based on Flask.
![Screenshot of web app](./assets/img/ogi-kia.jpg.webp)
This is the official companion app for the KIA Belgium Accessory website; http://accessoires-kia.be/
![Screenshot of web app](./assets/img/costal-app.jpg)
Coast messages are connected directly to what you are working on (tasks, checklists, scheduling, shift swaps, work orders) so conversations are exactly where you need them to be.
![Screenshot of web app](./assets/img/zop.jpg)
Users can view properties and buy the properties. Zoopla Home real estate, have many features
![Screenshot of web app](./assets/img/images22.png)
CTemplar provides a safe and secure platform for sending emails and sharing files by using 4096-bit end-to-end encryption
Chandigarh, INDIA
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science
OverAllScore: 80%
- Computer Architecture
- Cloud Computing
- Foundations of Algorithms
- Engineering Graphics and Drawing
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Based Optimization Techniques
Relevant Courseworks:
Shimla, India
Degree: Bachelor of Technology in Information and Communication Technology
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Database Management Systems
- Operating Systems
- Machine Learning
- Computer Vision
Relevant Courseworks: